Home > General > I always felt how unethical auto-rickshaw drivers are…

I always felt how unethical auto-rickshaw drivers are…

There was a time when I used to frequently travel by the auto-rickshaws and badly affected by the tampered meters of Indian auto-rickshaws. Due to this I used to end up paying extra bucks and as if that’s not enough the fuel charges used to raise every fortnight due to which their hiring rates change with out any prior notice!

I always felt how unethical these drivers are… ๐Ÿ™‚

Of late I was thinking if there could be a mobile application, which is available for frequent commuters of auto-rickshaw, that decides the amount to be paid vs Distance traveled. This at least ensures you not to rely on the tampered meters and you don’t see those extra bucks going freely into driver’s pocket!

This idea might sound weird but in the days of iPhones, Android I don’t think it’s a big deal to develop an application of this sort. ‘am sure iPhone and Android app developers are listening! ๐Ÿ™‚

Funny thing was 2 consecutive days I traveled same distance by same route. With any law of physics and economics I should have paid the same amountย  or at least near by amount, but in my second time I ended up paying almost double to what I paid for the first time!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Jai ho to our auto-rickshaw walas. Now that I’ve my own vehicle ‘am quite safe!

  1. Vamshi
    January 20, 2011 at 10:04 AM

    sounds interesting.
    The point is how do you measure the distance. If that is known, you can as well use calci to multiple by Km rate and can be used only while bargaining before getting into an auto. While exit, you have no option but to pay as per the agreed rate or what the tampered meter says would be really useful if the app also calculates the distance


  2. srikanth
    January 20, 2011 at 10:06 AM

    Valid point by Vamshi.
    How do you calculate the distance? One option is to digitize the roads, points of interest (Survey of India project) then we can integrate the distance feature and calculate the price.

    Having said that, there are other factors that should also be considered.
    1) How do you take into consideration the wait time? (traffic etc)
    2) How do you consider the short cut routes which cannot be digitized (our gallis & lanes are notorious for shorter routes)


    • January 20, 2011 at 10:13 AM

      There is a good amount of research needs to be done, however my initial thought was to simulate the auto meter, which basically works on the speed, distance, rotation speed of the tire (waiting time) etc.

      Mobile app ’cause it’s handy and just a matter of starting the app the moment you board the auto and works something similar to stop watch. Sure there could be a small discrepancy between actual auto reading and app reading, but small is always fine unless it’s huge difference.

      Idea is all about double check to ensure drivers don’t loot those extra bucks!

      Having said that the idea is very high level and might be a fun for the people who would want to have on the phones and at least the driver is aware that you’ve something in hand that decides the fare for the journey ๐Ÿ™‚

      If possible integration with google maps that shows the shortest possible route from A to B, you actually have the distance!


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